Special Thanks - zahvala |
Vpisal: DAMa | |
31. 07. 2005 | |
![]() Hereby, I would like to express my special thanks to all the wonderful people at Tapir, the many users for their unconditional support and good spirit. Thank you members of the staff, for letting me translate and use your discussion board rules, to use the board`s structure and form as an inspiration. A long time ago I joined you without even knowing for sure what was "wrong" with me. I stumbled across your site and finally met people who felt the same, who were going through fear, panic and other tough moments for I thought I was the only person in the world to experience such horrible things. Talking to all of you and receiving your support was the first thing to lift up my spirit and it still keeps me going. I decided I have to give back in some way what you have given to me. It became my goal to set a similar board, a website dedicated to those who suffer from anxiety disorders and depression, in our own language and for my own people. Things took off when I met some wonderful people with the same disorder. Together we formed the first Slovenian Society for People with Depression and Anxiety Disorders. The establishment of this website followed shortly after and even though it`s only been active for a couple of months now, it`s proven to be a good and helpful site for many of us. Hopefully in the future, we will be able to retain the board`s good spirit and comforting atmosphere, like you do at Tapir. It was built with great efforts, but we were lucky enough to have found a wonderful man, who was willing to help us build it free of charge! I am proud to say that if it wasn`t for Tapir I would never believe it is possible to gain so much from connecting with others in such a way. So thank you Tapir friends, for that`s how I always think of you. ![]() Rada bi se posebej zahvalila vsem krasnim ljudem na spletni strani Tapir, uporabnikom, za njihovo brezpogojno podporo in dobro razpoloženje. Uredništvu se zahvaljujem za dovoljenje uporabe in prevoda pravil, ter izposojo strukture in oblike foruma za navdih. Že dolgo nazaj sem se vam pridružila, ne da bi sploh natančno vedela kaj je z mano "narobe" . Naletela sem na vašo stran in končno spoznala druge ljudi, ki so čutili enako kot jaz in šli skozi strah, paniko ter druge težke trenutke, saj sem mislila, da se te grozne reči dogajajo samo meni. Pogovori z vami in prejemanje vaše podpore je bila prva stvar, ki je dvignila mojega duha in me še zdaj navdihuje. Odločila sem se, da moram na nek način povrniti to, kar ste vi dali meni. Moj cilj je postala postavitev podobnega foruma, spletne strani v našem jeziku, namenjene našim ljudem, ki trpijo za anksioznimi motnjami in depresijo. Začelo se je, ko sem spoznala nekaj čudovitih ljudi s temi motnjami. Skupaj smo ustanovili prvo slovensko Društvo za pomoč osebam z depresijo in anksioznimi motnjami. Ustanovitvi je kmalu sledila postavitev te strani, ki se je kljub kratkemu delovanju že izkazala za dobro in koristno. Upamo, da bomo v prihodnosti lahko zadržali dobro razpoloženje in ozračje na forumu, kot to uspeva vam. V stran je bilo vloženo veliko truda, a na srečo smo našli krasnega moža, ki nam jo je pomagal postaviti zastonj! Z gotovostjo lahko rečem, da si brez strani Tapir nikdar ne bi mislila kako veliko lahko pridobimo s tovrstnim medsebojnim povezovanjem. Torej hvala Tapir prijatelji, tako namreč vedno gledam na vas. |