Sodelovanje z Britanskim E-časopisom Natisni E-pošta
Vpisal: Hister Caprae   
10. 10. 2011

Mental HealthySpoštovani uporabniki in uporabnice!

Ustvarjalci spletnega časopisa smo se v želji, da vam ponudimo še več kvalitetnih informacij s področja depresivnih in anksioznih motenj, povezali z britanskim spletnim časopisom Mental Healthy.

MH Veseli smo, saj smo pridobili dovoljenje ustanoviteljice Charlotte Fantelli, da tedensko prevedemo nekatere članke z njihove strani. Charlotte Fantelli nam je v odgovoru na prošnjo namenila izjemno prijazne besede glede našega dela, predvsem pa zadovoljstvo, da bodo lahko del našega spletišča in bodo tako njihove vsebine dosegljive še več osebam, ki se soočajo z motnjami.

Seveda pa tudi nam takšna možnost veliko pomeni, saj vam zares želimo ponuditi čim več dobrih, strokovnih in ažurnih člankov.

Prevedene članke bomo objavljali v rubriki Duševno zdravje - Mental Healthy

Ekipa društva DAM

Posredujemo pa vam še objavo našega spletišča (spodaj), ki je bilo objavljeno na njihovi spletni strani:
 Mental Healthy articles to be published in Slovenia
 Mental Healthy Press Release

The Society for Individuals Suffering from Depression and Anxiety Disorders (DAM Society), the biggest NGO tackling anxiety and depressive disorders in Slovenia, have teamed up with Mental Healthy to bring our features to the people of Slovenia.

'We were approached last month by the organisation looking to translate a couple of our features each week into Slovenian and publish them on their website. Of course we agreed. We are delighted that our articles will be available in another language. Teaming up with like minded people to spread important information can only strengthen what we are both trying to achieve.' Comments Charlotte Fantelli Mental Healthy founder

DAM Society was established in 2004. It is a non-profit, humanitarian organization, founded by people who have personal experience of depression and anxiety the organisation is run by volunteers.

The society comments 'it is in our greatest interest to offer all Slovenians the possibility to find, read in their own language, download and educate themselves free of charge on how to successfully deal with and beat these wide-spread psychological problems.'

Since the beginning DAM Society grew quite substantially, acquiring the status of a humanitarian organization in Slovenia and formed self-help groups in the 7 largest cities in the country. Currently the Society have 9 self-help groups, three of them in the capital city Ljubljana with 2,500 registered users. Very impressive for a voluntary organisation that has no government funding.

DAM Society also collaborate with EAAD – European alience against depression, GENDEP as well as the Public Health Ministry and the National Public Health Institute (IVZ).

Despite their networking with many organisations dealing with mental health in the country the Society are still the only one dealing specifically with the most common mental health conditions anxiety disorders and depression.

We are very pleased to be able to offer our features for reproduction as it gives the Society and their members access to material that is still very sparse in Slovenia. Anyone who wishes to know more about the organisation can visit their website on the links above. If you would like to reproduce, use or translate any of our material please contact us here.



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Društvo za pomoč osebam z depresijo in anksioznimi motnjami